Thursday 20 March 2014

Restore Your Facial Symmetry Through Eyebrow Transplant Dubai

Men and women who loss their natural eyebrow get quite conscious about their beauty and appearance. They know that they have missed a frame of their eyes that look incomplete. This missing facial symmetry leaves a bad impact on one’s personality. In order to remove this devastating impact, they need to undergo through Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai.

When a patient goes for his eyebrow examination at FUE hair transplant Clinic Dubai then surgeon carefully examines his eyebrows and also ask question about medical history. He also identifies main cause of losing eyebrows. Some common causes of eyebrow hair loss are congenital, systematic/medical disease, trauma-burns, accident, chemical/electrical burn, over-plucking and aging process.

No matter eyebrow has been lost by women or men; surgeon will suggest FUE hair transplant process. It is an effective method of restoring hair. This method has been used all over the world in hair transplant clinics. The result of this treatment is very impressive and satisfactory.

During Follicle unit Extraction process, a surgeon removes the hair from the donor area where usually back of head or behind the ear. He needs almost 300-600 good quality graft to fill up the brow-line. He extracts individual hair units from the donor area first and then turns them into separate graft. Each graft has only one or two hair units. Once he done with graft, he starts preparation of recipient site. He numbs the eyebrow area and start making tiny incisions. Hair transplant surgeon carefully inserts each graft into its place.

This process usually takes 2-3 hours. This process is simple and easy than other hair transplant. It requires less effort and time, so Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai is usually reasonable. So, this process is advisable to those who have limited budget and they want to get back their beautiful eye frame back permanently.

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