Sunday 14 December 2014

Women Choose Eyebrow Transplants to Improve Brows

Requests for Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai treatment are only one of the refine way which can fulfill the dreams thick brows of those who comes mainly from women who have thinning eyebrows due to over-plucked, over-waxed, or burn, and other hormonal etiologies, and trauma. Which can permanently damage the follicle and leave the women with virtually no eyebrows? This treatment is beneficial for anyone who wants a more permanent solution to his or her thin brows other than daily use of a brow pencils, shapers, etc which make them embarrassed and noticeable due to thin eyebrows.

Eyebrow transplants are a technically-demanding procedure now in these days that involves careful planning without any side effects. The eyebrow position must be artistically designed and then filled in with single and double hair grafts by our qualified doctors. The grafts must be meticulously placed at specific angles and directions of growth in order to mimic the natural eyebrow. The hair begins naturally re grow in two to three month and will start to look aesthetically fuller in six to seven months.

Since Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai is a key familiar sight on the face, natural-, thicker-looking eyebrows promote a softer appearance and enhance the beauty of face which makes you attractive. Eyebrow restoration is a highly artistic procedure in which a brow is individually designed based on the facial type, features, and results personally desired. An experienced physician considers the arch shape, appropriate thickness of hair, space between brows, and brow length.

Monday 10 November 2014

Eyebrow Hair Restoration with Stem Cell

Eye brows play a vital role in our personality because we use our eyebrows for facial expressions and to express our feelings. For this, they are more important than we often give them more value and importance. In spite that eyebrows also protect the eyes, catching sweat from the may be the cause of damaging eye. Shape and color of the eyebrows change with styles and fashions. Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai with stem cell procedure is the only refine and protective way for the treatment of facial areas such as eyebrows especially for those who feel embarrassed due to lack of eyebrows.

As we know that Eyebrows are the frame of eyes and are one of the first facial structures we look at as a society. A person without natural appearing eyebrows is very conscious of their appearance. That’s why this special therapy is mist suitable for those who lack eyebrows due to genetics, excessive depilation or scars from accidents or burn wounds but this procedure allows the hair growth direction to be precisely.

After Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai procedure, patients may feel little discomfort but in very rarely majority of patients are comfortable during and after the procedure and return to their work the next day. The following morning, the patient should gently irrigate the transplanted area to remove any dried crusts but no need to take worry after each shower, an antibiotic ointment should be applied to the brow to help soften any crusts and enable to them to be more easily removed with the next washing. The result is ultimately a higher hair density and a more natural effect without leaving any noticeable scars.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Get Thick Eyebrows via Hair Transplant

There are many people who have thin eyebrows by birth but they aren’t satisfied from the growth of their eyebrows. They always long for thick and high eyebrows. If you are also among the category of such people, then it is advisable to you to opt for Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai

This hair surgery is gaining popularity with the passage of time among women because many Hollywood celebrities have changed their eyebrow growth through it. A little change in the growth of eyebrows have made a big change into the appearance and personality of celebrity. The big example of this surgery is available in the form of Cara Delevingne, she is top model of Hollywood. Her fans like her not only due to her physique but also due to her eyebrows. So, girls if you need to thick eyebrows like Cara Delevingne then you should plan eyebrow hair transplant. Interestingly, women are able to change not only their eyebrow growth but also eyelashes growth via this surgery.

Whenever women think about eyebrow hair surgery then they think that such surgery will be painful and leave scar behind. Reality is that this surgery is least invasive because it is performed in the best FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai. Surgeon uses advanced method of hair surgery i.e. FUE harvesting for restoration of eyebrows. They don’t make incisions. They remove the hair very carefully and one-by-one from the donor area, behind the ear. Once hairs are removed from this region, hair transplant assistants turn them into graft. Surgeon makes very precise incision into the eyebrows and then start placing the hair into their pre-decided places. The real and permanent eyebrow hair growth begins within 10-12 months after the surgery. In this way, girls’ dream of thick brows comes true.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Eyebrows Transplants and Cara Delavigne

No doubt, many women like to follow top celebrities of Hollywood when it comes to style, fashion and beauty. As we all know Cara Delavigne is a super model whose busy eyebrows are quite attractive but these are not her natural brows, she opted for an eyebrow transplantation. Women in Dubai usually over-pluck their eyebrows, so they have sparse eyebrows. Over pluck and neat eyebrows was a usual trend of 1990 but these days, busy brows of Cara Delavigne is high in demand not only in USA, UK, but also in many Middle East Countries, especially Dubai.

According to, many hair transplant clinics are reporting an increase in the enquiries for eyebrow transplants. Women make it clear that they need the eyebrows just like Cara Delevingne. Even there are many hair surgery clinics of Dubai, where surgeon say that women come and ask for Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai with which they can easily emulate Cara Delavigne’s eyebrows. There are some women who have literally no eyebrows while others have damaged their follicle units only due to their over plucking habit.

So, if you also need bushy eyebrows of Cara Delavigne then surely you need to visit FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai. In clinic, you need to make very clear to your surgeon that you need thick and edgy eyebrows similar to Cara. If you make this thing clear then surgeon will plan your surgery according to your desire and design. It will be easy for him to copycat the same style and design of the brows for you.

It is good to know that eyebrow transplantation will be done with FUE harvesting, an expensive method of hair surgery. If you ready to spend a hefty amount then this surgery would be a perfect beauty treatment for you.

Monday 11 August 2014

Eyebrow Transplants is Quite Effective

Are you looking for permanent hair solution for your lost eyebrows? If yes, then you have to opt for Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai. This surgery is gaining popularity with the passage of time. With the mean of this surgery, a person is in a position to get back natural eyebrow look. In addition, this hair surgery makes it easy for the person to get thicker brow than before. This surgery is usually performed with the mean of FUE method. This method is quite expensive and you have to spend a good sum of money. However, investment of this surgery will yield the best results.

In this procedure, surgeon first uses a black marker and makes a temporary eyebrow line. The purpose of this line is to ask the patient whether he or she needs the same shape and angle. Once patient says that he is satisfied with this shape then surgeon continues with the surgery.

After that surgeon extracts hair from the donor area that is normally back side of ear. Actually, hair of this area is exactly similar to eyebrows in the texture, size and color. Surgeon removes the hair from this area one by one. These extracted hairs are given into the lab where assistant turned them into grafts. Once grafts are ready, these hairs are placed into the bald area of eyebrows one by one.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai allows the person to get natural looking hair. Once the hair growth starts then the growth would be permanent. This growth will not be affected by hair loss anymore. This surgery is a good solution when a person have lost his hair due to medication, alopecia, and some diseases.