Monday, 11 August 2014

Eyebrow Transplants is Quite Effective

Are you looking for permanent hair solution for your lost eyebrows? If yes, then you have to opt for Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai. This surgery is gaining popularity with the passage of time. With the mean of this surgery, a person is in a position to get back natural eyebrow look. In addition, this hair surgery makes it easy for the person to get thicker brow than before. This surgery is usually performed with the mean of FUE method. This method is quite expensive and you have to spend a good sum of money. However, investment of this surgery will yield the best results.

In this procedure, surgeon first uses a black marker and makes a temporary eyebrow line. The purpose of this line is to ask the patient whether he or she needs the same shape and angle. Once patient says that he is satisfied with this shape then surgeon continues with the surgery.

After that surgeon extracts hair from the donor area that is normally back side of ear. Actually, hair of this area is exactly similar to eyebrows in the texture, size and color. Surgeon removes the hair from this area one by one. These extracted hairs are given into the lab where assistant turned them into grafts. Once grafts are ready, these hairs are placed into the bald area of eyebrows one by one.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai allows the person to get natural looking hair. Once the hair growth starts then the growth would be permanent. This growth will not be affected by hair loss anymore. This surgery is a good solution when a person have lost his hair due to medication, alopecia, and some diseases.

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